티스토리 뷰
제목: "The hidden ways stairs shape your life" 계단이 당신의 삶을 이루어주는 숨겨진 방법들
소개: 오늘의 TED는 계단이 어떻게 우리의 일상속에 들어와있고 계단이 우리 삶에 어떻게 영향을 끼쳐 주는지에 대해 예술적 철학적으로 설명해주는 강의입니다.
Transcript of "The hidden ways stairs shape your life"
TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Stairs don't just get you from point A to point B. Architect David Rockwell explains how they shape your movement -- and your feelings.
I think stairs may be one of the most emotionally malleable physical elements that an architect has to work with.
- one of ~명사복수형: ~의 하나로서 영어에서 굉장히 흔하게 쓰이는 표현입니다. ex) one of malleable physical elements: 물리적으로 변형이 쉬운 요소들중의 하나
[Small thing. Big idea.]
[David Rockwell on the Stairs]
At its most basic, a stair is a way to get from point A to point B at different elevations. Stairs have a common language. Treads, which is the thing that you walk on. Riser, which is the vertical element that separates the two treads. A lot of stairs have nosings that create a kind of edge. And then, the connected piece is a stringer. Those pieces, in different forms, make up all stairs.
- At its most basic: 그것의 가장 기본에는
- Make up: 1) 이루다. ex) students make up the class: 학생들이 그 반을 이룬다. 2) 화해하다 ex) Did you make up with her? 너 그녀와 확인했어?
I assume stairs came to be from the first time someone said, "I want to get to this higher rock from the lower rock." People climbed using whatever was available: stepped logs, ladders and natural pathways that were worn over time. Some of the earliest staircases, like the pyramids in Chichén Itzá or the roads to Mount Tai in China, were a means of getting to a higher elevation, which people sought for worship or for protection.
- worn: 닳은 wear- wore - worn
As engineering has evolved, so has what's practical. Stairs can be made from all kinds of material. There are linear stairs, there are spiraled stairs. Stairs can be indoors, they can be outdoors. They clearly help us in an emergency. But they're also a form of art in and of themselves.
- As: ~함으로서. 영어에서 as의 용법을 정확히 아는것이 굉장히 중요합니다.
- In and of 명사~self(selves): 그 자체로 ex) Your existnece is helpful in and of itself 너의 존재는 그 자체로 도움이 된다. in and of ~self 라는 표현은 영어에서 굉장히 많이 쓰이는 고급표현으로 알아두면 좋습니다.
As (~하면서, 함에따라)we move across a stairway, the form dictates our pacing, our feeling, our safety and our relationship and engagement with the space around us. So for a second, think about stepping down a gradual, monumental staircase like the one in front of the New York Public Library. From those steps, you have a view of the street and all the people around you, and your walk is slow and steady because the tread is so wide. That's a totally different experience than(=from)
Ex) A Boy is different than(=from) a girl 소년은 소녀와는 다르다.
Ex) The boy is different than his father. Covid 19 is different than variant viru.
영작= 영어실력
going down the narrow staircase to say,(= for example, for instance, in other words), an old pub, where(in which) you spill into the room.
Stairs add e/nor/mous (e=out, nor=normal, mous=form) drama. Think about how stairs signaled a grand entrance and were the star of that moment. Stairs can even be heroic. The staircase that remained standing after September 11th and the attack on the World Trade Center was dubbed the "Survivors' Staircase," because it played such a central role in leading hundreds of people to safety.
- enormous: 거대한이라는 뜻으로 그 어근들을 파해쳐 봅시다. e(=out) nor(=normal) ous(=of shape) 보통의 형태를 벗어난이라는 뜻으로 거대한이라는 의미가 됩니다. 영어에서 어근들을 공부해두면 영어를 이해하는 폭이 더 깊어질수 있습니다. 영어의 어근은 그리스어, 라틴어, 프랑스어에 그 근간을 대부분 두고 있습니다.
But small stairs can have a huge impact, too. The stoop is a place that invites neighbors to gather, blast music, and watch the city in motion. It's fascinating to me that you see people wanting to hang out on the stairs. I think they fill a deeply human need we have to inhabit a space more than just on the ground plane. And so if you're able to sit halfway up(down) there, you're in a kind of magical place.
- half way: 중간지점이라는 뜻으로, ex) I am half way there는 나는 거의 반쯤왔어라는 의미가 됩니다.
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