티스토리 뷰
1) I have ~~~
David: I have flown an airplane by myself -> 1 , that counts: 그거 쳐줄게.
Mrs Shim: I have thought that Ted teacher’s character is good and smart -> 2
Shin: I have been(경험) to the DMZ when I was in the army -> 2
I served in the KATUSA army, I gave the U.S soldiers a tour around the DMZ.
Mrs Jung: I have cooked many Korean fermented food. You are quite a cook! 너 상당한 요리사다! -> 1
성연: I had been a piano teacher for 20 years. I used to be a piano teacher for 20 years. 0!
- Never have I (ever) : 도치구문
- David: Never have I ever gotten married 4
- Mrs Shim: Never have I ever flown a kite. 0
- Shin: Never have I ever played a video game. 0
- Mrs Jung: Never have I ever gone to North Korea. 0
과거=past 완료=perfect(과거) 현재=present(현재 완료), 미래= future (미래완료). * used to: ~하곤 했다 지금은 하지 않는다.
현재(present) vs 현재 완료(present perfect):
- I study English vs I have studied English(과거에서부터 지금까지 하고있는)
- Have you been studying English? - 너 영어 공부를 계속 해오고 있니?
과거 vs 과거 완료 (past perfect)
- I studied English vs I had studied English (지금은 안한다)
소변( first / pee) 대변(second / poop)
- I flushed the toilet after I had finished taking a second, 내가 똥을 다 싸고 물을 내렸다.
- I started studying my second foreign language after I had studied my first foreign language.
미래 vs 미래완료 (어떤 특정한 미래의 시점에서 끝이나는거)
- I will have earned my bachelor degree when I finish my college.
- I will have married to the girl when I turn 18.
- I will have gotten a job when I turn 18.
<Are you a mono tasking person or multitasking person?>
<Forget multitasking, try monotasking>. Xenophobic(외국사람혐오주의자): be philanthropic (박애주의자)
I'm a designer and an educator.
나는 마음속으로 ~이다. I am Korean at heart. Even though I am adopted, I am still Korean at heart.
I'm a multitasking person, and I push my students to fly through a very creative, multitasking design process. But how efficient is, really, this multitasking?
Solving math problems in the morning is more efficient than doing it at night.
Efficient (효율적인): least time, money, effort to accomplish(수행하다) a task(일, 과제)
Effective (효과적인): desired result를 얻기위해 얼마나 성공적인가: ex) The vaccine was effective at preventing the spread of Covid by 70 percent.
Let's consider for a while the option of monotasking. A couple of examples. Look at that. This is my multitasking activity result. (Laughter) So trying to cook, answering the phone, writing SMS, and maybe uploading some pictures about this awesome barbecue.
독백(monologue(language) : 혼자 하는 대화)
So someone tells us the story about supertaskers(뛰어나게일처리하는사람들), so this two percent of people who are able to control multitasking environment. But what about ourselves, and what about our reality(현실, 실제)?: When's the last time you really enjoyed just the voice of your friend?
꾸미지 않은 쇼: Reality show.
Truth: 진실
Sincerity: 진심
So this is a project I'm working on, and this is a series of front covers to downgrade our super, hyper — (Laughter) (Applause) to downgrade our super, hyper-mobile phones into the essence of their function.
Another example: Have you ever been to Venice? How beautiful it is to lose ourselves in these little streets on the island. But our multitasking reality is pretty different, and full of tons of information. So what about something like that to rediscover our sense of adventure?
I know that it could sound pretty weird to speak about mono when the number of possibilities is so huge, but I push you to consider the option of focusing on just one task, or maybe turning your digital senses totally off.
So nowadays, everyone could produce his mono product. Why not? So find your monotask spot within the multitasking world. Thank you. (Applause)
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