
Flutter Container / SafeArea/margin/Padding

Byunpa24 2021. 6. 27. 16:13

Containers with no children try to be as big as possible unless the incoming constraints are unbounded, in which case they try to be as small as possible. Containers with children size themselves to their children. The width, height, and constraints arguments to the constructor override this.

1) child가 없을때는 화면 다 채움

2) child가 있으면 child만큼 작아짐

3) 하나의 child 만 가질 수 있음 





화면밖으로 나가지 않을 수 있게끔 경계를 지정 


Margin은 위제의 바깥쪽


Padding은 위젯의 안쪽 
